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A Comprehensive Guide to GreenPro Certification: Benefits and Application Process

Excerpt :

GreenPro certification, a Type-1 Ecolabel based on ISO 14024 standards, has emerged as a significant player in promoting sustainable and eco-friendly products in the Indian market. This comprehensive guide explores the intricacies of GreenPro certification, its benefits for manufacturers and consumers, and the rigorous application process involved. Accredited by the Global Ecolabelling Network (GEN) and aligned with UN Environment's guidelines, GreenPro adopts a holistic life cycle approach to assess products' environmental impact. The certification offers numerous advantages, including market differentiation, increased reach, and enhanced brand image for manufacturers, while providing consumers with reliable information for informed decision-making. Through case studies and an examination of future trends, this article demonstrates how GreenPro certification is driving innovation, improving product quality, and shaping a more sustainable future across various industries.

Embracing GreenPro certification is not just about meeting standards; it’s about setting new benchmarks for sustainability and showing that environmental responsibility is not only possible but imperative for businesses today.

A Guide to getting Green-Pro certified in INDIA

In the era of increasing environmental consciousness, the demand for sustainable and eco-friendly products has surged across various sectors. This paradigm shift has led to the development of numerous eco-labeling and certification programs worldwide. Among these, the GreenPro certification has emerged as a significant player in the Indian market, particularly in the building and manufacturing sectors. This article provides a detailed exploration of the GreenPro certification, its benefits, and the application process, offering valuable insights for both manufacturers and consumers.

What is GreenPro Certification?

GreenPro certification is a Type-1 Ecolabel based on ISO 14024 standards, developed by the Confederation of Indian Industry (CII). It is designed to assess and certify the “greenness” of products based on a holistic life cycle approach. The certification aims to guide manufacturers in improving their products’ environmental performance and positioning them as eco-friendly in the market.

Accreditation and Recognition

GreenPro has received accreditation from the Global Ecolabelling Network (GEN) through GENICES – GEN’s Internationally Coordinated Ecolabelling System. This accreditation ensures that the GreenPro Ecolabel certification aligns with international standards and protocols for green product labeling. Furthermore, the United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP) has tested its ‘Guidelines for Product Sustainability Information’ on GreenPro Ecolabelling, affirming its credibility and alignment with global sustainability principles.


The Holistic Approach of GreenPro

GreenPro adopts a comprehensive life cycle assessment approach, which evaluates the environmental impact of a product from raw material extraction to end-of-life disposal.

 This holistic methodology ensures that certified products demonstrate clear, measurable environmental benefits throughout their lifecycle. The assessment covers several key areas:

  1. Product Design
  2. Raw Materials
  3. Manufacturing Process
  4. Product Performance
  5. Waste Management
  6. Life Cycle Assessment
  7. Product Stewardship
  8. Innovation

Benefits of GreenPro Certification

The GreenPro certification offers numerous advantages to both manufacturers and consumers, contributing to the overall sustainability of the industry and the environment.

For Manufacturers

  1. Market Differentiation: GreenPro certification helps products stand out in a crowded marketplace, offering a unique selling proposition based on environmental credentials.
  2. Increased Market Reach: Certified products are more likely to be chosen by environmentally conscious consumers and businesses, potentially expanding market share.
  3. Alignment with Global Standards: The certification complements national and international green building standards, making it easier for manufacturers to enter global markets.
  4. Innovation Driver: The certification process encourages manufacturers to innovate and improve their products’ environmental performance continually.
  5. Enhanced Brand Image: Certification demonstrates a company’s commitment to sustainability, potentially improving brand perception and customer loyalty.
  6. Operational Efficiency: The process of obtaining certification often leads to improvements in resource efficiency and waste reduction, potentially reducing operational costs.

For Consumers

  1. Informed Decision-Making: GreenPro certification provides consumers with reliable information about a product’s environmental impact, enabling more informed purchasing decisions.
  2. Assurance of Environmental Performance: The certification offers assurance that the product meets rigorous environmental standards.
  3. Health and Safety: Certified products are often free from toxic and carcinogenic substances, contributing to better health and safety for users.
  4. Contribution to Sustainability: By choosing GreenPro certified products, consumers actively contribute to environmental conservation efforts.
  5. Support for Green Building Projects: GreenPro certified products can help in achieving points for various green building certifications, making them valuable for sustainable construction projects.

Industries and Products Covered

GreenPro certification covers a wide range of industries and product categories, including but not limited to:

  1. Building and Construction Materials
  2. Electrical and Electronic Equipment
  3. Furniture and Office Equipment
  4. Cleaning Products
  5. Paints and Coatings
  6. Personal Care Products
  7. Solar Energy Systems
  8. Thermal Insulation Materials
  9. Water Conservation Devices

This diverse coverage ensures that the certification is relevant across multiple sectors, promoting sustainability in various aspects of industrial and consumer products.

The GreenPro Certification Process

The GreenPro certification process is rigorous and comprehensive, ensuring that only truly sustainable products receive the certification. The process typically involves the following steps:

  1. Initial Assessment

The first step involves a self-evaluation by the manufacturer. This preliminary assessment helps the company understand the current environmental performance of their product and identify areas for improvement. During this phase, manufacturers should:

  • Review the GreenPro certification criteria relevant to their product category
  • Gather data on the product’s lifecycle environmental impacts
  • Identify potential improvements in product design, manufacturing processes, and supply chain management
  1. Application Submission

Once the initial assessment is complete, the manufacturer submits a formal application to the GreenPro certification body. This application typically includes:

  • Detailed product information
  • Environmental performance data
  • Documentation of sustainable practices in manufacturing and supply chain
  • Any relevant test reports or existing certifications
  • Application fees
  1. Document Review

The GreenPro certification team conducts a thorough review of the submitted documents. This review process involves:

  • Verification of the completeness and accuracy of the submitted information
  • Assessment of the product’s environmental performance against GreenPro criteria
  • Identification of any areas requiring further clarification or additional documentation

During this stage, the certification team may request additional information or clarification from the applicant if needed.

  1. Site Visit and Verification

Following the document review, a site visit is typically conducted by GreenPro auditors. This on-site assessment serves to:

  • Verify the information provided in the application
  • Evaluate the manufacturing processes and facilities
  • Assess the implementation of environmental management systems
  • Conduct interviews with key personnel

The site visit provides a crucial opportunity for auditors to gain first-hand insight into the company’s commitment to sustainability and the practical implementation of green practices.

  1. Certification Decision

Based on the document review and site visit findings, the GreenPro certification committee makes a decision regarding the product’s certification. The decision may result in:

  • Full certification
  • Conditional certification with required improvements
  • Denial of certification with recommendations for improvement

If certification is granted, the manufacturer receives the right to use the GreenPro Ecolabel on their certified products and in related marketing materials.

  1. Continuous Improvement and Renewal

GreenPro certification is typically valid for a specific period, often two years. During this time, certified companies are expected to:

  • Maintain or improve their environmental performance
  • Implement any required improvements identified during the certification process
  • Prepare for recertification at the end of the validity period

The recertification process helps ensure that certified products continue to meet the evolving standards of environmental performance and sustainability.

Challenges and Considerations

While GreenPro certification offers numerous benefits, companies pursuing certification may face several challenges:

  1. Resource Investment: The certification process requires significant time, effort, and financial investment, which can be challenging for smaller companies.
  2. Data Collection and Analysis: Gathering comprehensive lifecycle data for products can be complex and resource-intensive.
  3. Continuous Improvement: Maintaining certification requires ongoing commitment to environmental performance improvement, which may necessitate changes in long-standing practices or investments in new technologies.
  4. Market Education: While awareness of eco-labels is growing, companies may need to educate their customers about the significance of GreenPro certification.
  5. Balancing Performance and Sustainability: In some cases, improving environmental performance may require trade-offs with other product attributes, requiring careful balance and innovation.

Future of GreenPro Certification

As sustainability continues to gain importance in global markets, the role of certifications like GreenPro is likely to expand. Several trends may shape the future of GreenPro certification:

  1. Increased Scope: The certification may expand to cover more product categories and industries, reflecting the growing demand for sustainable products across sectors.
  2. Integration with Digital Technologies: Future iterations of the certification process may incorporate digital tools for data collection, analysis, and verification, streamlining the certification process.
  3. Alignment with Global Sustainability Goals: GreenPro may evolve to more explicitly align with global frameworks like the UN Sustainable Development Goals, enhancing its international relevance.
  4. Enhanced Consumer Engagement: As consumer awareness grows, GreenPro may develop more consumer-facing initiatives to educate and engage end-users about the benefits of certified products.
  5. Emphasis on Circular Economy: Future criteria may place greater emphasis on circular economy principles, encouraging product designs that facilitate reuse, repair, and recycling.


GreenPro certification represents a significant step towards promoting sustainable product development and consumption in India and beyond. By providing a credible, third-party verification of a product’s environmental credentials, GreenPro helps bridge the information gap between manufacturers and consumers, fostering a market environment that rewards sustainable practices. For manufacturers, GreenPro certification offers a pathway to improve environmental performance, differentiate products in the market, and align with global sustainability trends. For consumers, it provides assurance of a product’s environmental credentials, enabling more informed and sustainable purchasing decisions.As environmental concerns continue to shape market dynamics, certifications like GreenPro are likely to play an increasingly crucial role in driving sustainable innovation and consumption patterns. By embracing such certifications, businesses can not only contribute to environmental conservation but also position themselves advantageously in an increasingly eco-conscious market landscape. The journey towards sustainability is ongoing, and GreenPro certification serves as a valuable tool in this journey, guiding both producers and consumers towards a more sustainable future. As the certification evolves and expands, it has the potential to significantly influence product development, manufacturing processes, and consumer behavior, contributing to broader sustainability goals on a national and global scale.

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Saurabh Kalra

Sustainability Blogger

Meet Saurabh Kalra, a passionate Sustainability coach, an entrepreneur, storyteller, and the creative force behind "Green biz talks." He is a Doctorate Scholar at SSBM Geneva and an Engineering Graduate with an MBA degree. His expertise in the subject and over 20 years of industry experience clubbed with an insatiable curiosity and an unquenchable thirst for new experiences, makes him one of the most sought-after sustainability compliance experts in India. Reach out to him for speeding up your sustainable certification journey.

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